According to tradition, the Ten Commandments were written on the stone tablets given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Many times, the Commandments are indicated only in abbreviation or by the first ten letters in the Hebrew alphabet - Aleph through Yud. On rare occasions they are represented by a Piyyut, a song, such as in the inner side of the Mantova- Sermide Holy Ark from 1543.
You will not kill anyone because you will assassinate
You have no man, he has no savior
Thou shalt not commit adultery with a wife
And in the proverb Bell you will not be redeemed
Thou shalt not steal any other soul
Because you will hear a shudder asking
Do not delineate [d] the house of a bad wife
Shoru also worked not Tel
Do not answer falsely because it will not
A liar against God
The doctrine of grace will create forever
Because in her you coveted all Israel
Skin and hear her mind and know
Ten thing with us to
Vertical to your expenses
From Egypt with Select to
Do not make a statue for yourself either
Bow to him because there is no god
There in vain will not bear that
Will not cleanse any doer to
Shabbat sanctified a sign to renew
Search Forbidden with hand and to
Respectful parents for the sake of sitting
Long lived on the land of El

Ark doors from Pisa
Pisa, 17th century
Gilded and painted wood
ON 0010

Interior doors of an ark from Pisa
ON 0010
Interior Doors of the Ark of the Covenant of Sermida
Mantua, 1543
Gold-plated carved wood
ON 0004