As with the case of the three Forefathers, the names of the four Mothers of Israel - Sara, Rivka, Lea and Rachel - have been in use for many years and were very loved by Jews throughout the Diaspora. Although we have in the museum very few depictions of the four Mothers, we do have many objects - K'tubot, wedding songs, textiles - that were made by, or for, women named Sara, Rivka, Lea and Rachel.

A Torah scroll sash, the embroidery made by a woman named Sarah
The first half of the 17th century
ON 0492
Embraided Wimple for the Torah, made by a woman named Sarah
First half of the 17th century
ON 0492
ON 0492

ON 0492

Written by a bride named Rebecca
Padua, D. in Nissan 1831 (1831)
Ink and pencil on paper
ON 0297
A Ktubah for a bride named Rebecca
Padua, 1831
Ink and Pencil on paper
ON 0297

A wedding song in honor of a bride named Leah
Turin, 1825
Printing on paper
ON 0781
A wedding poem for a bride named Lea
Turin, 1825
Print on paper
ON 0781

Ketubah of a bride named Rachel
Padua, H. Cheshvan 1874
Tempera on paper
ON 0299
A Ktubah for a bride named Rachel
Padua, 1874
Tempera on paper
ON 0299